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November 7th... |
Today's outfit because you know, fall is the most wonderful time of the year. Everything except the boots was either thrifted or under $10. One of the best parts of losing 140 pounds is appreciating how I look in clothes. Shopping is still not my favourite thing because it's work, but being able to put fashionable outfits together is something I'll always be thankful for. I used to only be able to wear what I could find that could fit me. There was little fashion involved. Actually no fashion involved. Experimenting with clothes will never get old, now that I can.
Yesterday was my heavy macro day. I ended up eating all my extra carbs in rockets and rice cakes. It was a good day. Today I rested. I looked at my training schedule for the next couple of weeks and I'm not resting again for a while. It will do my body good. Excited for the changes that are going to happen over the next couple of months. Today I struggle with hunger. I played this wrong. I need to rest on my heavy macro day. My rest day is always when I feel like I could eat all day. But I won't. Have a wonderful Monday.
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November 8th... |
It's #TransformationTuesday and I can't believe that next month will mark my 4th year on maintenance. The pic on the left was from 2011, the summer before I began Dr Poon. I started Dr Poon on September 17th, 2011 and stayed with it for 15 months. Although I've maintained roughly the same body size (size 8/10) over the past 4 years, lots has changed. My body composition is completely different. I should dig up some old photos and compare. I've got tons on my old blog. I just need to check out my archives.
I still have goals and lots of work ahead of me. I look forward to it. There's an infomercial I see once in a while at my gym. It's for an apparatus that looks like a mini surf board and you do the twist on it. It looks like fun for sure, but the people demonstrating it are wearing street clothes and saying that it doesn't even feel like you're working out. If it doesn't feel like a workout, it isn't. There are no short cuts to getting results. You have to put the work in. That's it. Although my journey has not been an easy one, it's been worth it. And the saga continues. Looking forward to many more "shit my pants moments" in the future. If it doesn't challenge me, it's not worth it...
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November 8th... |
Gag me with a spoon. For real. Finally moved onto my final meal of the day. Fat free cottage cheese. Someone's gotta live the glamorous life. I had a heavy workout day today and I'm sore. This morning I had Tony. We were supposed to do trap bar and squats, but I stupidly did legs twice this weekend and they needed a rest. So we did shoulders instead. And I did some new exercises which I can feel in my aching muscles right now.
I also got to punch Brodie tonight. He worked me hard. I know my abs are going to be screaming in the morning. I worked them with Tony this morning too. But Brodie had me do a round of sit-ups and a round of medicine ball slams. It's different than what you're probably thinking. Instead of me slamming the medicine ball to the ground, he picked up a 5 pound ball, had me lie on the mat and threw the ball into my abs. I had to be quick and flex before it made contact with me. Then I passed it back to him whilst doing a crunch. This is to prepare me for getting punched in the stomach. Good times indeed.
Bedtime right now. I've gotta get up at 430. I've left enough time for exactly 1 hour at the gym. And I've got boxing again tomorrow night. Another week of back to back to back to back to back workouts.
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November 9th... |
OMG! I smile, through my pain. Right now it hurts to breathe. Thank you Brodie. I almost didn't go to the gym this morning. But I rolled out of bed and dragged myself there for an hour. Rewarding, yes because I didn't expire. After the gym was a full work day followed by homework, dinner prep, then another date with my tormentor. No abs today. He said they need to rest before he tortures me again next week. And I pay for this extra special kinda love.
Yesterday I bought this Guess sweater, brand new, for...wait for it...$12.50. Now, I'd not normally buy anything with a brand name on it, but it was so cheap, how could I walk away? And I also got a halter lace bodysuit for $7.99. I might save that gem to wear to the fights that Brodie's putting on next month. Nineteen matches in a bar. Should be interesting.
Eating was okay today. Just left a couple grams of protein and a gram of fat. Made an awesome marinara sauce for my spaghetti squash and grilled chicken breast. Reminiscent of my mother's sauce. It was good and almost made me feel like I was eating pasta for real. I lie. It was nothing like real pasta but tasty just the same. I need to pass out about now. I'm up early to train with Tony in the morning. My legs are almost feeling normal. Time for Tony to make them ache all over again.
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November 10th... |
The second day after getting your abs assaulted by your boxing coach is definitely worse than day 1. Even Tony took pity on me and didn't make me do any core this morning. I did trap 235 and I squatted 145. Both were up from last week. I tried to do 245 on the trap bar, but I couldn't get up. I'm still pissed about that. I hate failing. But seriously, just existing hurts right now. This too shall pass.
I had an awesome chat with my on-line coach last night. We're stepping it up a notch. He says I'm doing awesome, but I imagine the honeymoon is over. New macros come tomorrow, new workouts to follow shortly. I am pumped. I love seeing changes in my body. I'm starting to notice and so are others. It only gets better from here. Just as my abs begin to heal, my legs are aching from the trap bar and squats today. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel an ache in a muscle somewhere. Maybe when I sleep it goes away. Good night all. I'm up at 5 to do the gym. Only pondering question is what do I do? Definitely not core or legs. Shoulders and back it is...
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November 11th... |
You wanna know what hurts most about this photo? My leather biker jacket that I bought at Danier 2 years ago (for 50% off), which used to fit me like a glove, is too big. It no longer hugs me. I love that jacket. I can get away with wearing it for now, but what about when I'm smaller still? My consolation is that the remainder of my fat is mostly around my hips and upper thighs. I'm holding out hope the stubborn bottom fat will finally leave sooner than later and my upper body won't change too dramatically. Except my abdominal fat of course. This jacket is so not going to fit me.
I got my new macros from Shaun today. I'm being cut by 400 calories per day and my carbs are being cut right down too. But my heavy macro day? The amount of carb I get is monumental. For me anyway. Every other day my carb count is real low. It's all good though. It's just like it was when I was on Dr Poon. I did it then, I can do it now. And once a week, I get to have a carb fest. New macros start tomorrow.
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November 12th... |
Peace out...Not much to say today except my day sucked big time. So much stuff to do that my head is spinning. Solid effort at the gym this morning and my first day with new macros went swimmingly. Dinner was especially gag worthy. Just reminds me how much I have to get groceries. Because tomorrow is gym (maybe), groceries, food prep and laundry (of course). And I should be excited. It's my heavy macro day! Goodnight. My body is weary and I just might be getting up to go to the gym in the morning.
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November 13th... |
Good morning friends. Today it's sunny and freaking cold. I'm having an internal war with myself. If I rest today, I feel like I should be going to the gym and it will bother me. If I go to the gym, I won't rest till next Sunday and that's just too long. Going to the gym is just part of my morning routine now and it feels strange not to go. Like I forgot to do something. But I need to rest once in a while. Even Tony, who goes to the gym twice a day everyday has started to take a rest day.
And Sunday should be my rest day always because it's my heavy macro day and on rest days, for reasons I can't explain, I am hungriest. Go figure. I still have 8 workouts scheduled for this week so I think I just suck it up, go get groceries and meal prep my ass off. With my macros adjusted it's more important than ever that I eat as much whole food as possible. That way I get more. Today I get all the carbs. A Harvey's grilled chicken wrap is in my future...
Until next week...